The consumer goods sector is a category of Stocks and companies that relate to items purchased by individuals and households rather than by manufacturers and industries. This Sectors includes companies involved with food production, packaged goods, clothing, beverages, automobiles, and electronics.

We provide quality control services to a wide range of consumer goods including:

-Textile & Apparel

-Homeware, Gardenware

-Toys & Recreational Items

-Electrical & Electronic products


-Bags & Accessories

-Hard goods

-Personal Care & Cosmetics

With the increasingly complex supply chain process, product recalls and returns have become a major issue. Manufacturers, brands and retailers need to be confident that the products they deliver meet consumer expectations, global regulations and safety and quality standards.

Interservices Global quality control services are delivered through our professional and technical staff located in major production hubs throughout China. We work closely with you identify quality concerns prior to distribution to mitigate delays, unexpected costs and risk to your consumers and brand.